logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

God, “The Being of My Healing”

2/17/24 Hello Be-loved of God! How has your week been?  Do you have certain days, holidays, or anniversaries of something unpleasant that don’t seem to become easier to tolerate, even over time? With God’s help I’ve been figuring out how to change my attitude about those days, Hallelujah! Maybe it’ll help you, too. I’ve dreaded… Continue reading God, “The Being of My Healing”

Peace Via Self Forgiveness

2/10/24 Peace to you, good Person! Is it easy for you to claim serenity in your life? If so, how do you go about it? Peace is something that had been elusive for most of my life, and as I’m learning to claim it more through increasing faith in God and myself, I’m realizing how… Continue reading Peace Via Self Forgiveness

Makin’ Peace with Time (Sorta)

2/2/24 Hey Good Person – This week’s post is something I wrote for the church newsletter; hope you can (learn to?) smile at the seeming malleability of time, too. (I’ma tryin’, Lord! :)) “For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to… Continue reading Makin’ Peace with Time (Sorta)

Faith Restored & Fun with Angels :)

1/26/24 Hello Mortal Angel! Do you ever have an experience where you know it can only be of God? I’d been struggling with a bit o’ depression lately due to not knowing what to believe about, well, what I’ve been believing for. I know significant changes are about to occur and don’t know ‘what’ exactly.… Continue reading Faith Restored & Fun with Angels 🙂

Victim vs. Survivor

1/20/24 Salutations Strong Human ~ Have you had a to overcome anything in your life?  If so, how do you think of yourself in relation to that, or maybe in spite of it. victim? Survivor? Thriver? Lover of People and Life and/or Adventurer? I’ll be honest (as always! :)), I can move in and out… Continue reading Victim vs. Survivor

Wise? Or Lack o’ Faith?

1/13/24 Good Day Glorious You! Do you ever have times where you just can’t get yourself motivated to do much, or to push yourself our of your comfort zone? I’ve been dealing with that (or rather not dealing with it well) lately, so I’d really like some tips on how to push when inertia becomes… Continue reading Wise? Or Lack o’ Faith?

Light of Hope in the Darkest

1/6/24 Aloha Mortal Angel (and Immortal Angels if they read these kinda things :)) How have you celebrated these last couple of weeks? If it was hard were you able to at least acknowledge the possibilities of the next year? Or even just the next day, or hour? I’m amazed at how differently life can… Continue reading Light of Hope in the Darkest

‘New Beginnings’ vs. ‘Changes’

12/30/23 Hello Wonder-full You!  Do you acknowledge at least some of what is wonderful about you? C’mon, tell me (or at least, yourself) five things that’re right about you. I’ll even give you the first one – you’re YOU!  See? Wasn’t that easy? Now you come up with at least four more . . . … Continue reading ‘New Beginnings’ vs. ‘Changes’

Happy Holyday to You!

12/22/23 Merry Christmas, (Belated) Happy Hanukkah, and/or Blessed Kwanza! How are you doing during this Holy Season? Are you celebrating with gratitude, anticipating fun times with family and/or friends? Or wishing you could be more ‘joyful’? Maybe wanting to just get through it, or usually don’t celebrate it at all? If you are struggling, know… Continue reading Happy Holyday to You!

Prequel to Last Week’s Post – ‘Beautiful’s Story’

12/15/23 Hi Delightful Person ~Did you ever have a pet that really touched your heart? Care to brag on them in the comment section at the bottom of the post?  Last week’s post mentioned ‘Beautiful’, a dog I had a few years ago who’d been through hell. This is her story – told in her… Continue reading Prequel to Last Week’s Post – ‘Beautiful’s Story’