logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Picking Up The Pieces

Staring into darkness, watching shadows fall –
empty heartbeats echo down the dark and endless hall.
Starry dreams are crumbling, crashing quietly to the ground,
only to be trampled on then yearning to be found.

Fractured psyche, broken trust, leaving only fear,
Shredded heart, silent screams, crying without tears.
All the times, all the lies, all the damned illusions –
‘Loving’ people cast my chains with all their damn perversions.

Where’d it start? Who can tell? Does it really matter?
The time has passed, it’s moving on, having left the tatters.
And now’s it’s time to let it go, drop it to the floor;
Do what it takes to stop the bleed, blocking out the core.

So dark descends and night has come to take me in it’s folds,
And deep inside now I know there’s nothing left to hold.
That one way mirror finally cracked, a million tiny pieces
Perhaps in time, a two way mirror may rise from all the pieces.

In time came marriage masquerading as love,
for his dysfunction called to my self-loathing
but when God’s whisper became greater than the threats,
I let Him lead me out. It was time to mend.

Pearl, Unchained (Coda to ‘Pieces’)

Been picking up the pieces with much hope, tumult and doubt
Just trying to figure out how to make it all count.
Mosaics have beauty when they’re put together right
and Stained glass glows gently if it forgives the night.

Years go by and hell still lingers, imprinted in my mind
but something greater has displaced its stature and I find
Faith holds on ‘til Grace declares: “They will NOT win, I prevail”.
Their chains are breaking because I’m learning, I AM worthy. LOVE prevails.

-c. 2019, Pearl

The prelude continues on Wednesday. Hope to meet with you again then!


  1. Powerful stuff right here. Good thing we follow a God who knows how to use our brokenness. He’s truly busy using yours. ❤️

    1. Thank you, Tami. Hope to do right by Him, for sure. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes not so much. Definitely learning more each day! Praise Him!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story last night. Beautiful poem! Hold tight to Faith! You are worthy! You are loved! You are lifted up in prayer.

    1. Thank YOU, Karen, for caring enough to attend the event and to learn more about this heinous crime. It’s people like you who are turning the tide and helping to bring the evil shrouded in the darkness, into the light to be dealt with, transformed and healed.
      And thank you for your kind words at the end of the program and following through on checking out this blog; your support is dearly appreciated.
      If you want to be notified when new posts are published, please check out my fb page Pearl Unchained; I always put a link to the latest post on it as it goes up.

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