Fri. 7/9/21
Welcome! As always, I’m glad you’re here.
Sometimes we can see beauty but not necessarily receive it. Are you able to absorb what’s positive and lovely? I’ve become really good at recognizing the beauty and blessings in so many different situations and I am so grateful to be able to do that now. Claiming it into my heart and reveling in it is taking longer to accomplish, and I’m getting there.
For me, beauty and love are completely interwoven, with God being the creator of it all. This poem was written a few years ago and expresses well my desire to absorb ALL that God has for me, and to live in it fully. I know I deserve it in my mind, it’s the heart that’s lagging a bit. I hope you’ve already figured out your value and worthiness to receive all the good that’s yours, just because you ARE. (Please keep working at it if you’re not there yet.)
Receive The angst and impatience of which I seek You is no one’s fault but my own, for I know my searching is all in vain because You are with me always. I wish I would take off my blinders - and open my heart to Your gentle voice, I know You are calling. Your beauty is revealed, it’s all around if only I’d be still for a while. It’s only in peace and patience of heart when Your essence is welcomed inside. c. Pearl E. M.
Meet with you back here on Tuesday! I hope you absorb much wonder until then!