Fri. 5/21/21
Hi! Glad you’re here.
Do you ever do any creative writing? If so, what kind?
This was written quite a few years ago (and rewritten just now :)), when my credo was “I don’t need anybody, God, I just need You.” Sooo grateful to be allowing friends into my life who remind me how to laugh and show what real, mortal love is, and will always need God to prop me up and provide what I need to LIVE FULLY. (I’m gettin’ there, here are moments when I’m living it now, thank God!)
Some of last Tuesday’s post reminded me of this . . . um . . . poem?
Square One Dear Jesus, In a world of much confusion. conflicting voices, fears and emotions - Please help me to hear Your voice above all the internal din and racket, Help me to accept Your love, forgiveness and redemption above the self disgracing, Help me to reach for Your heights and depths instead of the high and lows of a displaced ego, Help me to reach for You when I’m begging for mercy so I don’t grasp in desperation something that’ll take me under once again. The times I feel safe and secure are when I’m imagining Your arms around me, picking me up, dusting me off, holding me close in comfort, The times I feel confident are when You’ve just released me from Your embrace, showing me the path You know is best for me to take, The times I feel tall and proud are when I’ve accomplished some task, great or small, that pleases You, so it pleases me. The times I feel peace are when I accept who I am to You - Be-loved, Forgiven, Free, and Worthy. Please, dear Jesus, guide this square peg back to square one, Defenseless and receptive, open to You, like a child too innocent to hold the pain, anger and conflicts. Guide all Your square pegs in this very round world back to Your realm where love, peace, hope, faith and laughter can coexist without fear. Amen! - Pearl E. M.
Looking forward to meeting you here on Tuesday. Until then, I hope you find many reasons to smile.