logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Heavenly Nudges


Hi Good Person!

How are you doing? 

Have you ever had an experience where you thought you may have had a nudge from your Higher Power/God or an angel? If so, care to share it in the comment section below the post? Would love to hear about it!

I Mentioned in the last post (from two weeks ago) that I was having some physical issues. They started getting better, then boomeranged. Ended up with just a couple hour (thank God!) doctor recommended visit to the hospital last Friday night to see if a kidney infection was brewing, and Hallelujah, it wasn’t. Just the old meds quit working so they gave me an i.v. with something to bring the fever down and gain control over the (not-kidney :)) infection and sent me home with a new prescription.

It’s working (so far!), but been having times of dizziness (a side effect), and that seems to be clearing up, too.  

All that to say, wasn’t up to finishing a full post so instead, this is a devotional/prayer written for another group. 

But first, just have to add that I took a chance tonight. Have been afraid to make a call, to ask someone that matters to my heart for their help. Felt a ‘nudge’ that it was time, I was grown up and healed enough to (finally!) just ‘do it’! Knew I’d have to leave a message but finally took that step. Huzzah!

Now back to the prayer/devotional:

I Don’t Need God  (‘Cuz He’s Already Here)

Have you ever felt (and perhaps said): “I can’t believe that (insert non-Christian-sounding-adjective for someone who just ticked you off :)) did that!”

Then what usually happens with me is, the gentle voice of internal Spirit says: “You know, you did that very same thing 10 minutes ago,” to which my ever evolving spiritual (ahem) sulking self responds, “Oh, shut up!”. 

(Yes, I really do talk to God like that sometimes . . . could be why I’m so afraid of lightening?) (BTW, not proud, just honest. Surprised He hasn’t ‘smote’ me yet; it’s a behavior that’s changing.)

Or maybe you’ve had an experience similar to this: Had a problem and even though I’m obsessing and thinking some not very nice thoughts about another situation, there still came a solution to the initial conundrum that I know I didn’t come up with!  (Thank You, God; didn’t know You and ‘those (un?)kind of thoughts’ could co-exist in the same head/heart space!) 

And/or have other instances where you’ll be driving and have an inkling to take a detour, and learn later you missed an accident. (Or, perhaps you didn’t hear about an accident because God rerouted you so it didn’t happen.)  Although as a side note, have been in a couple of accidents, with one being rather serious so ‘divine intervention’ doesn’t always happen!

There are also moments when there’s a heart nudge to look in a certain direction and there’ll be a moment so beautiful, or funny, you know it had to be Holy Spirit pointing something out He knew you’d appreciate?

Soooo many times I think (cry or yell!), “I need You God, (NOW!)” and there will be some sort of comfort or nugget of wisdom that’ll arrive soon.

It finally occurred to me recently when I cried out (for the multi-millionth time in my life), “God, I NEED You!”, and realized, no, I don’t.  

God is an intrinsic part of a Christian’s life, kinda like air. There’s never a time when we’re actually without either. They’re both rightHERE. 

As Christians, He’s already in us. (“The Spirit of God dwells with in you”; 1 Cor. 3:16) It’s just up to us to take the time to notice, listen and do. (If imperfectly.)

Dear Heavenly Father,

First of all, Thank You for EVERYTHING; it ALL works out in the end for those who love and are called according to Your purpose.

And secondly, thank You that we never need you to ‘come to our aid’ because You are always already HERE, among and within us, waiting to be asked into every situation. 

In Jesus name, AMEN!


  1. I am praying that you were still on the road to recovery.

    After reading your post about nudges from God, I would like to share that my life has been blessed in many ways by nudges from God. The one with the most impact happen just recently. First some background, then I’ll share that nudge. Along time ago, while being a long time, member of a church, a situation arose, where I had a different opinion than this church was presenting. In my confusion I approached a leader in the church to have a confidential talk for clarification. After which because of my opinion, I was basically told that I was not welcomed as a member of this church any longer. Never wanting to feel this hurt and anger again, I was hesitant in attending any church on a regular basis. My faith in God, and that Jesus is my Lord and Savior never faltered, and I felt that I didn’t need a church to support my spiritual journey. Then after moving to Port Huron, a few years ago I felt a yearning to belong to a Church family again, hence my nudge from God! I tried out a few churches in the area, but they didn’t feel comfortable. But the nudge continued, and I made a call to Lake shore Presbyterian Church to check on worship times. The second my phone call was answered I knew I had found my new church home and family! The rest is history, and again I have been blessed by God.

    1. Dear Kathy – First, thank you, thank you, thank you, for sharing your God nudge! I love these kinds of stories, helps to build my own faith.
      I have a similar story about having a painful experience with a church, and then finding the one I’m at now. Walked into it eh first time and thought ‘ugh – how dark!’ but then for some reason knew it was to be my knew church home. It’s been a great place to heal and grow up a bit! Good people, for sure! God IS so good, if we let Him be!
      And thank you for your prayers (can ALWAYS use those!:)); I think it’s all healing! Hallelujah!

  2. Great blog post Pearl! I can totally identify with calling out to God and I either realize he’s right there with me or he sends me a signal. I have this inside joke or understanding with God… when he wants to get my attention and remind me that he’s right next to me he plays the song “Oceans” when my radio is playing or I turn on my Amazon music and the song plays. I was recently asked to speak to a group and I was overly nervous. I was being introduced to the group with a song. I did not choose the song and guess what song it was? Oceans! God was reminding me that he was there and his Spirit would guide the right words from my mouth. I have heard that song other times as I’m in the car or in the shower fretting crazily about something in the future and when I hear it start playing I almost laugh with relief and thank the Lord for reminding me that he is with me. That song is so special to me because it was my favorite song to listen to during a difficult time in my life. God is so good to us!

    1. Dear Karen – Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your ‘nudge’! I love it! And since music is so important to me, too, I ask God for certain songs at certain times for a verification sign. The only problem is, if I hear it I wonder – was it just coincidence? AAAARRRGGGHHH! I soooo wanna believe! (I believe Lord, please help my unbelief!)
      I’ll have to check out ‘Oceans’.
      God Is sooo good, for sure!
      Thanks again for responding! I love these stories!

  3. I enjoyed reading this, Pearl and I enjoyed reading the ladies postings as well. God shows him self real to me in so many ways. It’s too long to get here. I will tell you in person. Blessings to you my friend.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read the post, and to respond, Deb! That means a lot to me. Glad you liked it and the other ladies contributions, too. Looking forward to hearing about your experiences; maybe you could share one or two of them here?? 🙂 (No Pressure:))

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