logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Angel’s Returns

Fri, 12/18/20

Wrote this a few years ago. Sometimes when I write something it starts out as coming from a place of emotional pain, but somehow ends up being hopeful. (Maybe my angels won’t let me wallow???? :))

Angel’s Returns
 I thought I saw my Angel, Lord,
 looked straight into his eyes.
 Tall and gold with a glory that left me -
 filled with awe, I felt so blest.
 He had a message, He told me ‘time’
 but I was in such a hurry, I’m afraid
 I had to ask him to please come back
 to explain at a later date.
 And I’m still waiting for his explanation . . . 
 I thought I heard my angel, Lord,
 once and twice and maybe more.
 He whispered encouragement, hope and promises
 and so much more than I could dream.
 In exchange he asked for patience and faith,
 to believe in his words, I told him I would.
 but then I fell, and self-anger filled
 threw back his words, no I didn’t deserve.
And then I couldn't hear him.
 I thought I touched my angel, Lord
 When I could no longer see or hear him
 but determined to prove I could do on my own,
 I stepped aside, didn’t want to need him.
 I felt him rising, away from me,
 and an emptiness ensued.
 Reached out to grab him, to hold him close
 but being too late, he was too far away.
 “Don’t take my angel, Lord", I begged and pled,
"I’ll admit that I know I need him
 Is it too late, Dear God, please don’t tell me its late
 I can’t take this hollowness inside.
 Can you hear me, Lord?”

 . . . I saw a flash outside my realm,
 tried to look, but couldn’t see.
 Heard some rustling beside myself,
 but could not detect a breeze.
 Felt a tap upon my shoulder
 turned to look but no one was there.
 Reached out to the air for an unknown reason,
 but feeling foolish, snatched back my hand.
 I felt an itch, inside my hand
 tried to scratch but instead found-
 a little white feather of the purest kind
 Nestled there inside my palm.
 I pray to my God, pray for the angels,
 pray for all to hear and learn,
 reach out now, it’s never too late.
 They’re patiently awaiting your return.

c. Pearl E.M.

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