logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Beautiful, Anyway

12/10/23 Hi Beautiful/Handsome (inside and out) Person! In the overall realm of life, what do you focus on?  We’ll get back to that in a few paragraphs. Have you ever been called ‘Handsome’ or ‘Beautiful’, like in lieu of your name or as an endearment?  A few years ago I had a dog who had… Continue reading Beautiful, Anyway

To Honor . . .

11/30/23 To honor all the people who were effected two years ago by the mass shooting that happened at the high school I graduated from ‘way back when’, I’m rerunning the post written the day it happened. But first ~ I pray for healing and peace for all who experienced the tragedy. I’ve been so… Continue reading To Honor . . .

Not Letting Discouragers Reign 

11/25/23 Hi Important Person, What kind of encourager are you? (This question is more for me getting my point across than trying to throw you under the bus!) Are you someone who supports others no matter what, someone who lovingly helps a person figure out what is truly in their best interests, or not-so-lovingly only… Continue reading Not Letting Discouragers Reign 

Being Grateful!

11/18/23 Hello lovable you, Could you list at least 5 reasons to be grateful?  For me, this past week – a successful Human Trafficking Awareness Event and the friends who come together to put it on (and did I notice someone I care about afterward? I was too mentally ‘overdone’ to know for sure; I… Continue reading Being Grateful!

You (yes, YOU!) Make a Difference!

hands of children giving flowers as a symbol of friendship and love

11/10/23 Hi Mortal Angel – Do you ever wonder if something (positive!) you did, as one person, could really contribute anything of value to the world? Of COURSE you do!  Back to that thought in a minute . . .  I have the last of four (very different) events that I helped plan (and put… Continue reading You (yes, YOU!) Make a Difference!

God Incidences 

11/3/23 Welcome Loved Person ~ Have you had any incidences where you experienced some sort of intervention or were witness to a supernatural moment that you couldn’t otherwise explain? Care to share? I’ve been blessed and have had several recently, which is good since I’ve been going through another emotional ‘growth spurt’ that’s been rather… Continue reading God Incidences 

With A Little Help From My Friends . . . 

10/27/23 Hi Good Person! How have you helped someone recently? And while doing that, did you find you were helped substantially?  I’ve been working on a few different events lately, and I’m so grateful to the people who support them, and me, unconditionally. A week ago the group of wonderful women I’m a part of… Continue reading With A Little Help From My Friends . . . 

Over My Head and NOT Drowning! (Gurgle)

10/20/23 Hi Angel! Have you done anything different this week? If so, how’d it go? Would you participate in something like this – our group is having a ‘plawking event’ this weekend to raise awareness about child trafficking. Do you know what ‘plawking’ is?? Picking up litter while walking, so we’ll be cleaning up a… Continue reading Over My Head and NOT Drowning! (Gurgle)

Digging Deeper To Soar Higher

10/13/23 (This post could cause triggers for some.) Hello Brave One, What did you do this week that you were scared to do, but you turned the volume of your faith and courage up higher and did it anyway? I’ve been working on so many different things lately, really pushing myself out of the chains… Continue reading Digging Deeper To Soar Higher

You Matter

10/16/23 Hello Important, Valuable Person ~ This is a rerun of part of a post from October 2021.  And in case you need reminding, those last two paragraphs are about you, too. Just recently had the realization of how one very humble and beautiful couple from my church made such an impact in my life,… Continue reading You Matter