logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Pt. 2, Changes

2/9/23 Hi Angel! I hope your day (week, month, year, and life) is going well, over all? Do you have anything in your life you’d like to be free of?  Something that you know is holding you back (and you know it’s your responsibility to fix and not someone else’s :))? Or, have you figured… Continue reading Pt. 2, Changes


2/1/23 (Picture courtesy of Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash) (For an explanation of ‘splinter’, please refer to the Cast of Characters tab on the home page.) Hi Blessing-of-a-Being! How is your day going?  Do you ever feel unsettled in some area of your life but don’t know why, or what to do about it? I’ve… Continue reading Changes


1/27/22 Hello Angel – How are you doing today? I hope you’re safe and sound, and if not, that you have someone you can turn to for comfort, support, hope, etc.  There is a list of hotlines to call on the pearlunchained.com homepage if you ever need to talk someone and don’t know who to… Continue reading Hope

Accepting Femininity

1/18/23 Welcome Wonder-That-Is-You, How has your week been?  What, do you think, is the kind of an impact it’ll have on your future? Do you think it’ll matter much? For humbled me, I think lasting changes are afoot. A lot has been going on in a kinda painful yet emotionally and spiritually healing sort of… Continue reading Accepting Femininity

Forgiving the Self

1/12/23 Hi! How is your day going?  Has anything lightened your heart lately? Care to share in the comment section below the video? For me, I had a lovely bevy of lady friends over for a game day.  It was so good to see everyone laugh and have fun! I’ve always loved playing games, even… Continue reading Forgiving the Self

Pt. 3, Discomfort Zones, Shame and Blessings, Oh My!

1/5/22 Hi Halo-ed One!  What’s something unexpected that’s happened for you recently that made you smile?  Care to share it in the comment section below the video so we can smile with you?  🙂 For me, there have been a few things that brought a bit o’ lightness to my heart.  (Have definitely needed that!)… Continue reading Pt. 3, Discomfort Zones, Shame and Blessings, Oh My!

Pt. 2, Discomfort Zones, Shame and Blessings, oh my!

12/29/22 Hi Amazing Person, How’ve you been doing?  As always, if you’d like to share (‘cuz I do care) please let me know in the comment section after the video (and lyrics, should I think to include them).  Your request will be honored if you ask to keep your comment private. It’s funny (sort of!),… Continue reading Pt. 2, Discomfort Zones, Shame and Blessings, oh my!

Discomfort Zones, Shame and Blessings, Oh My!

12/21/22 Aloha Angel! How is your week going?  Do you ever have the inclination to push yourself out of your comfort zone?  If so, do you usually do well the first time with no repercussions, or are you kinda like me; it’s a trial with some errors and in time with some practice, a victory? … Continue reading Discomfort Zones, Shame and Blessings, Oh My!

Not Always the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

12/14/22 (Thank you to ‘depositphotos’ for this beautiful image.) Hi Dear One – How are you doing? Do you believe in any of the holidays that are coming up? If so, do you ever find it hard to actually celebrate them? If you’re struggling, PLEASE know people DO care (although that may be hard to… Continue reading Not Always the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Pt. 3 Learning to Attach

12/8/22 Bonjour Beautiful You! (I had to look up what ‘Hello’ in French was; did you already know?) What was something you’ve seen or heard that was so beautiful you told yourself you’d never forget? Trying to remember . . . (Ahem – so much for ‘never forgetting’!) There have been quite a few things.… Continue reading Pt. 3 Learning to Attach