logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Beautiful’s Story


Been having a busy week so I’m reposting this very early post, “Beautiful’s Story”.

Hi! My name is – well – proper names are not important here. Who we are is, though, so I’ll just describe myself as a beautiful-warrior-princess-guru-dog-blessing. Yeah, that sums me up well. Even though my heart technically stopped beating several weeks ago (from when this was originally written) I still have one last pearl of wisdom and much gratitude to impart. So if my person will assist me, I’ll tell my story and then head off to canine Heaven.

I have to warn you my life story starts out quite sad, but it gets better, I promise. 

I won’t say much about the first year of my life ‘cept to say it was HORRIBLE! Why people like that bring an animal into their house just to abuse it is beyond me. I thank God the day came in ’07 when my first hero, a nice police officer, was called to the house. He came for another reason, noticed me and called your local no-kill animal shelter. The people there (my next herd of heroes) came and got me and my surviving puppies I had just given birth to – THANK HEAVEN! I didn’t realize it at the time, but after some rough healing days, my life began to change in wonderful ways I never could have dreamed of. 

I’ll be honest with you, I was a mess. The – ahem – people? who previously had me tried starving me to death while pregnant. I weighed about half as much as I should have, and my digestive system had shut down. Once again, I thank God because the people at your local NO-KILL humane society saw through my terror and defensiveness and loved and fed me anyway. They actually made up scrambled eggs and baby cereal several times a day since I couldn’t even eat my own food. Someone would stop in nearly every night just to make sure me and my puppies were doing fine. In spite of my growling at him, a nice young man would pick me up and take me outside until I was strong enough to do it myself. There was that wonderful volunteer groomer lady who frequently gave me baths even though I claimed I didn’t want them. Other shelter people would just sit down next to me until I got used to them until they no longer scared me. They would love on me (and my puppies) in ways I didn’t know about. I thought I was already in Heaven and began to realize what a blessing I really am! I’d sit my healthier 50 pound (and climbing) body on many of my rescuers’ laps to show them how much I appreciated them. 

Having been nearly starved to death had a permanent effect on my body and I would always walk and stand without being steady – I’d wobble. Because of that a nice older Polish gent actually offered to buy me my own set of (doggie) wheels – an expensive contraption that would’ve supported my hind legs when I walked. But alas, my person decided I’d have to learn to walk on my own (drat)! 

This person I chose to bless for the rest of my natural life (and beyond) took me home and introduced me to an ever-expanding world of mortal angels. 

There was that wonderful veterinarian at that animal hospital who really saw ME and did everything he could for me right up until the very end. My aunt from another county who would drive 150 miles round trip to see me (she CLAIMED she was coming to see my person, but I knew better). She was right there at the end for me, too. A neighbor lady who insisted on my presence every week so she could shower me with love and dog treats. A nice chiropractor actually adjusted my spine in spite of the threat of losing several fingers. A lovely lady who owns a pet food store, several towns over, who got me on a healthier diet. A blessing of a lady dog trainer in my hometown who’d bring me a supplement from Canada because she figured it would help me. The incredible dog trainer at a large pet supply store who taught me good manners, and the other workers there who always greeted me like the royalty I was. The pastor and his wife in my hometown who prayed over me and always asked how I was doing. There was also that kind lady at the local post office who came out to the car to see me whenever we stopped there. 

Many people, like some of my person’s friends who’d always stop and ask about & pet me, and others just walking by on our walks would kindly ask about my delightful uniqueness. Even my own canine brothers, who did not welcome me with open paws when I moved into my home, (why they weren’t evicted when I came is beyond me!) would let me bounce off of them when we walked until I got strong enough to walk steadier on my own. Too many wonderful people (and my – ugh – canine brothers) to count and so many to thank. 

You know, I frequently heard people talking about how horrible a place the world is now-a-days, but I beg to differ. My life started out rough thanks to a couple of people who didn’t know or care better, and I probably would’ve agreed with the negativity back then. But I’ve since met so many more good two-leggeds who proved my first impression wrong. I now think it’s just the bad people who are vastly overrated; it’s the good people and everyday heroes that don’t get much attention ‘cuz they’re more the norm, you know what I mean? Trust me on this, I’m the (beautiful-warrior-princess) guru dog, remember? 

*I had my person write this several years ago and have been w-a-i-t-i-n-g for her to do something with it. Sheesh. Anyway, I just have to add a couple of thoughts here. 

I love Pearl. I’ve been checking in on her since I crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She’s a good woman and I’m proud of how she’s been working so diligently to heal from ‘the past’, and I’m even more impressed that she’s able to do this blog to reach out to others. But there are several ongoing struggles that concern me, and I was wondering if you’d send good thoughts and prayers (if you’re a pray-er) her way about them. (I know she’s praying for you.)

First of all, she could really stand laughing at herself a bit more. God knows I do (and I God sometimes). If laughter is the best medicine then she’d never get sick if she’d quit taking herself so seriously! 

Secondly, even with all she’s been doing to heal she still hasn’t fully realized she is worthy of any kind of real love. She allows herself a couple of good friends now, but doesn’t know how to believe they could care about her for any length of time. Thankfully, they’re patient with her as she’s figuring out mistakes on both sides are tolerable and forgivable.

When it comes to decent men she’s attracted to she really doesn’t know what to believe or do. I cringe (or laugh) frequently when I notice her unplanned, knee jerk type reactions of pushing away the Great Guy who’s done such thoughtful and kind things for her.  She knows she can trust him, and she’s certainly attracted to him, but she hasn’t yet figured out how to act like it when he’s around. Fear is still ruling this aspect of her psyche. And I’m not saying he has the same feelings for her, especially after all she’s done to him without meaning to, but he’s definitely one of her life teachers. He holds up a proverbial mirror towards her so she sees where she can improve her ‘social graces’ (or lack thereof) with her interactions with the decent males of her species. As Pearl learns to heal this and to give love like she deserves to receive, more prayers and good wishes, if you will, that she’ll be able to ACT on what she’s learned, and soon! And maybe pray for the Great Guy she keeps pushing at, that his ego/sense of self is healthy enough to understand that the unearned negative stuff she’s done to him is in no way about him, he’s just paying for the sins of others.  She knows and regrets that. Please forgive her.

Also, I’ll probably be stopping by occasionally to add my own superior wisdom to her blog. After all, I AM the guru dog . . . and beautiful and courageous and . . . well, an amazing blessing! Pearl helped me learn that. I hope to help her see that about herself in an ever-deepening way. She’s worthy, and so are you.

By the way, you can call me Beautiful, it’s what I answered to when I was mortal. And you know what? I’ll call you that, too, because you are whether you acknowledge it or not.


    1. Thank you, Melissa! And thank you for supporting this blog, reading the posts; it means a lot to me.

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