logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Holidays Sometimes Hurt

Silhouette christian cross on grass at sunrise background with miracle bright lighting, religion and worship concept


Hi Beautiful you, how are you?

Don’t usually put up two posts in one day but just became aware that my heart, mind, and body have been wrestling with something and wondered if others might be struggling, too.  If you are then maybe we can support each other through this?

There’s been strong physical pain that I’ve seen a couple of doctors about, have kept too busy to rest long enough to let it heal, have avoided things that would lead to feeling, and been driving around at night telling myself it’s for one reason but deep down there’s another that I can now acknowledge.  I’ve put blinders on while looking for the one specific person I believe could help assuage the emotional pain I haven’t wanted to face on my own. 

I’m reposting a portion of “(Not Always) the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” dated 12/21/20.  It’s just as relevant for Easter as it was for Christmas.

I’ll be working on healing this now that I understand what’s going on.  I hope you are able to enjoy the weekend whether you celebrate this holiday or not. 

A holiday is at hand . . .

There’s a delightful group of people I know – ‘The G.L.P.s’.  Since this Disease-That-Shall Not-Be-Named-In-This-Blog began, 14 or so members of this tribe have been contributing prayers that are written on a rotating basis.  Each day a different prayer is e-mailed out to the whole gang.  The prayer theme for last week was ‘joy’, and this is what I contributed.  Probably not exactly what they had in mind, but hey, by now they gotta know there’s a pretty darn good chance that’s gonna happen!

But before I get to the prayer part, just know that if you’re having a hard time there are people who do understand and care (including me).  You are NOT alone.  Life DOES get better.  In the meantime, would you please reach out to someone if life gets too overwhelming?  We ARE worthy of being heard and cared for!  Coach Kris, the awesome lady who is the technical brains behind this blog put up a list of lifeline numbers below the menu of posts on the home page.   

Now on to the prayer . . .

No matter which holiday season a person may or may not observe, it can be a time of joy and celebration, or confusion and conflicting feelings, and/or a time of grief, loneliness and desolation.  Difficult feelings can be compounded due to the pressure some of us feel because it seems the world is telling us we ‘should’ be extra excited, cheerful, loving and giving. 

I’ll be honest, like so many other good people I struggle to varying degrees during these times.  It’s not a personal ‘flaw’ or sin, nor is it weak or shameful to feel and admit this. A person who is speaking about their own truth should never be denied or told to shut up just because it may make others uncomfortable.  It’s only by bringing the darker truths into the light of honesty that we can create the hope and healing that comes from knowing we are not alone. Then maybe, together, we can encourage each other enough to get us through the darkest moments when desperate decisions could be made that create consequences we can never rescind. 

And even though we, as mortals, may not be able to see it in those most painful moments when  someone chooses to hold onto hope in the midst of their God awful pain, that’s when Heaven rejoices.  

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to remember that sometimes joy in ourselves and others cannot always be fabricated and shared to our specifications. Remind me to not ignore someone who is in dire need of a smile or blessing because it might infringe on my comfort zone.  And also remind me that just because someone may not get an immediate ‘pick-me-up’ from what I tried to do for them does not discount the gesture.  It may be the seed that sprouts in time to keep them (and perhaps others) safe.  If only we could witness Heaven’s joy then!

In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Looking forward to meeting with you again on Tuesday (or shortly thereafter)!   

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