logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Teddy Bear or Bible???

Friday, 4/23/21

Good Morning, afternoon or evening!  I hope you are having a decent day? 

Have you ever thought you were unique because you were sure you were the only person who had a certain behavior or thought, etc., then found out there were actually other people who did or believed the same thing you do?

It’s funny, a friend of mine recently mentioned how she was reading a nonfiction book where the author wrote about doing something that my friend thought she was the only person who did it, and then I told her I did it, too, and all along thought I originated the behavior!  

So what is this peculiar behavior?  We all hug our Bibles!  Don’t know how many others do, or maybe should say, how many would admit to it :), but it’s comforting to know I’m actually in good company.

I wrote this poem years ago for my God daughter when she was very young.  She’s now a loving wife, mother, and successful entrepreneur.  I could never not love her! 

The poem is titled ‘Teddy Bear’, but apparently, for some of us adults, it could be named “Bible” :).

Teddy Bear
 Come here, sweet child
 and hold me for awhile.
 I see a sadness in your eyes
 and hear loneliness in your cry.
Wrap your little arms around 
 and feel security start to abound.
 I’ll push your child’s fears away
 by making monsters fade away.
 You can whisper secrets in my ear,
 from me no one will ever hear
 your child’s dreams.  As a matter of fact,
 I’ll do my best to keep them intact.
 I’ll whisper your dreams back to you
 when you are feeling lost and blue,
 to chase away your hurts inside,
 to bring the child back to your eyes.
So, take me child 
 and hold me tight.
 I’ll pray for you throughout the night
 and be your guard ’til morning light.

 C.  Pearl

I’ll be glad to meet you back here on Tuesday! Hope you experience some beautiful moments until then.

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