logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

I Confess, I Dare to Still Believe

Friday, 2/12/21

Good Day, Beautiful You!  Glad you’re here1  

First of all, in last Tuesday’s post I wrote about falling too far to be redeemed as far as Great Guy is concerned, and I can feel that way in other areas in life, too. I’ll think I’ve waited too long, wasn’t good enough and/or am still too imperfect for the amazing Love (in all it forms), life, blessings and work I know God has for me.  But you know what?  Now that I’ve taken the time to check in with my heart and Spirit, prayed and have allowed myself to remember about redemption, I find there’s still hope and faith for all of it.  As Joyce Meyer says, “I’d rather believe for everything and receive most, or even some of it, than to believe for nothing and get all of it.”  Amen!

Now back to the regularly scheduled post (sort of) . . .

I could not find the sci-fi-ish writing I said I would put up for today. (Does anyone even read those notes at the end of the posts?)  So here’s something else I dug up.  It’s another prayer for the G.L.P.ers:   

I love the theme of everyday blessings for so many reasons.  For the past 15 +/- years I’ve been mostly consistent with writing 10 things to be grateful for on a daily basis.  When I’d get into a rut repeating several of the same things over and over, I’d challenge myself to write a completely different list daily for up to a month at a time.  Rarely did I get stuck trying to come up with enough.  It really doesn’t take much imagination to see/hear/feel how much God has for us, even if we can take in just a small section of ‘the big picture’.  

One day I was sitting next to a field and focused in on a 10 foot square area.  Just the flora alone was impressive.  Several types of trees, varying shades of green grasses and foliage, and a lot of what most people would perceive of as weeds.  I consider those same plants as God-given free flowers that don’t need to be weeded, watered, sown, or fertilized. So many different shapes, sizes, and shades of purple, yellow, pink, white, blue . . ..  Not to mention the bees, butterflies, birds, etc., that they attract.

Something I’ve been learning is Iife in general could be perceived the same way. How many experiences have I had or people met, and especially self, that do not fit into a preconceived notion of what ‘should’ be.  This causes them/me to remain the weeds of life that can never be fully eradicated.  By choosing to learn from every person and experience, including the ones considered ‘bad’ or difficult, God can transform them into a beautiful, blossoming, growing opportunity.  This, in turn, has the potential to create a deeper appreciation, understanding and compassion for self, and therefore, others.  We cannot give what we do not believe we have.  May we consider ourselves when we count our everyday blessings, and maybe it’s o.k. to acknowledge that on every gratitude list.  The more we believe we’re a blessing, the more blessings we have to give.

Dear Holy, Loving, Father, 

I know in my mind that because of Jesus I am fully redeemed, cleansed, accepted, beautiful-to-You, and Your Be-loved.  Now convince my heart so I will humbly and gratefully, freely and copiously, give that love, beauty and redemption to others to help them see that they are ‘all that’ in You. In Jesus name, AMEN!!! 

Yes, God!  Praise You, In all ways and for always, THANK YOU!

I hope you see how amazing you are just as you are, and I hope you bring your amazing self back here on Tuesday!

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