logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

J.C. Speaks


(In Monday’s blog I mentioned there had been several different creative endeavors I have explored to write about and reach out to fellow survivors.  This is the introduction to the play “Pearl, Unchained”.)

Stage:  This scene takes place on the center of three stages. J.C., Pearl’s electric guitar is sitting on his stand towards the right side of stage.  It is in the spotlight of an otherwise darkened stage. There’s a colored light surrounding J.C. that pulsates when he talks. J.C., speaks with ‘strong confidence’.


I would say this is all new for me, having a voice and all.  But really me, my ancestors and relatives have been communicating for centuries now, it’s just a question of whether or not others understand our language. I am excited to finally be able to speak English, though.  Maybe now others will be able to hear just how versatile, and dare I say, heroic, I can be. I have the ability to be a friend (sometimes best bud!), therapist, expression, uniting force, I can bring joy . . . my potential is endless.

My person, Pearl, calls me J.C. for two reasons.  First, she loves her Savior Jesus Christ and she knows I am a gift from Him, and the music me and my relatives produce are one way she can connect with Him and others.  The second reason is because I was made as a tribute to Jerry Cantrell, one of her favorite musicians and founding father of the band Alice In Chains.  You may think being a Jesus freak and loving AIC as much as Pearl does is a dichotomy, but she’s astute enough to look past the band’s stupid name. She, like so many others who are receptive to my kind of therapy, knows the healing power of their (and most) music.  She’s a uniquely special lady.

Music and Pearl are about the only two things I know much about, to be honest.  I’m an expert about the former no matter how I’m stroked or plucked.  When I was sold to Pearl from my manufacturer I was concerned I’d just be languishing as some sort of dusty decoration and never used for my real purpose.  Thankfully, she’s taking lessons and I’m so pumped to be used. Unfortunately, Pearl is making herself struggle to learn how to play me well, so I’ve had little opportunity to show off my prowess. Her guitar teacher (whom, between you and me, she has a massive crush on)  played me once and I was in all my glory then.  (Sigh) I can only hope I’ll be able to reach my full potential and shine again like that, preferably on a consistent basis.  I know it’s possible, even with Pearl being my only partner.  I look forward to the day she sets her emotional self free to ‘get’ my ways, and allows herself to shine with me.

I have an even greater purpose though.  Pearl needs me. I’m not just some good looking, amazing sounding piece of electrified wood with strings and frets for her.  I’m blessed to be one aspect of her finding her own way, her own voice, and it’s time for me to help her speak her truth.  I have to warn you, much of her brave journey is horrendous and painful to hear about.  Just remember though, like you, she’s always been smart, strong, worthy of love, precious and valuable no matter what’s been done to her and no matter what she (or anybody else) has believed. And I promise, this story does become one of hope and victory, so just hang in there.  Let’s get started!

Stage direction: Someone (the real Pearl?) grabs the guitar and joins a band on the stage to the right. Mash up of songs “Hell Is For Children by Pat Benatar/ Man In the Box” by A.I.C. starts playing live.  

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