logo by Klaire Wilson

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."
The Bible, Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, v. 11
~ With love, God

She was saved by God,
rock and roll,
and potato chips

Love and Grace


Hello Beloved Person!

How’s your week going?

Do you celebrate Father’s Day, or is there something that keeps you from fully embracing it? 

If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time then you might remember some holidays are more of a struggle than others, but what’s kinda funny (in a sad and pathetic sort of way) is I thought I was handing this one quite well until being triggered several times, and the ability to focus and stay motivated was hitting the pits. 

Was walking through the store the other day trying not to let the ‘mental hyperventilation’ I was experiencing turn physical and so started repeating, supposedly to myself but loud enough to hear: “I AM SAFE! I’M OKAY! GOD’S GOT ME!”, etc. Can only imagine what the more judgmental people were thinking! (Shoulda intentionally thrown in some gibberish and animal sounds just to see their reactions – that would’ve made me laugh and probably pulled me out of the reaction quicker. Hmmmm . . . remind me try it next time, ok? :))

But what did help when it finally occurred to me to try it was reminding myself that Jesus is always with me and picturing Him next to me, so I don’t feel so alone. It’s something a free online class I’ve been taking from CWG Ministries reminded me of, and it really does work. 

Hallelujah and thank You, Jesus! 

Have taken the time to sit down, shut up, turn to God for help, and accept-in-order-to-heal a deeper level of emotional memories coming up. It’s not that easy to do, but definitely worth the growing sense of wholeness and peace that comes afterward.  Grateful to be able to do it.

I write inspirational articles/prayers for the church newsletter and this is June’s submission. Didn’t know where it was going when I started it, and it ended up being a better perspective for the holiday.  It’s a reminder that no matter what, God is a Father who loves all of us completely and without fail, the way we all deserve whether our earthy fathers think/thought so or not.

“I am my beloved, and my beloved is mine.” (Song of Solomon 6:3, and many other Bible verses that tell us we’re God’s beloved.)

How do you imagine God is?

Do you think when we call Him ‘Love’ and ‘Grace’, He’s sitting on His throne high above and constantly scrutinizing, looking for every imperfection, critiquing us and putting little black marks next to our name (or next to the name of someone who just ticked US off? :)) in the Book of Life every time we misstep? 

(I’m really hoping you said no to that!) 

Then why do so many of us act like we can never get life right, can never be good enough as we are, and no matter how much we strive to do better? 

I’ve been taking various online classes by Dr. Mark Virkler with CWG Ministries. I love that he talks about HOW God loves us – with JOY! 

Since God created us and He knew what He was getting into, do you think anything we do is a surprise to Him? If He knew He was going to end up hating us or being perpetually irritated by who we are, wouldn’t He have tweaked the model before He breathed life into us?

The images that come to mind when I follow Dr. Virkler’s meditations or instructions on how to ‘journal with Jesus’, make me smile and leave me believing God is actually glad to talk with me. He gives me a big ole’ smile and with twinkling eyes holds His arms out wide for a big hug. He always has time for me, and comforts or encourages or heals or gives wisdom or just listens.

And you know what? He’s that way for every one of us. Nowhere in the Bible is there an asterisk with the note “Except for you”.

God ahead (that was a typo – was supposed to be ‘go ahead’, but I like that mistake so I’m leaving it!).

So, go ahead and imagine that – Jesus (or God) standing up and looking at you like you ARE His beloved (as the Bible says, repeatedly) – with a huge grin and eyes that sparkle when He sees you coming towards Him. He’s opening His arms, letting you know that even if you (think you) look and smell as bad as the Prodigal Son did when he returned home after his debauched years, you are WELCOME, ALWAYS welcome, to come (back) home, to Him. (Luke 15:11-32)

That’s Love and Grace. 

Hal-le-lu-jah and Thank You, God! Amen!

Dear Heavenly Abba –

Happy Father’s Day, God! Thank you for being the Father we all deserve.

Eternal gratitude for our inability to make You love us any less, and no matter how much we strain, strive and keep trying to be perfect, You’ll always love us the same because You are love, and there’s never been any limit to Your love to be able expand on or detract from.  

Thank You that You love us enough to encourage us perpetually, convict us as necessary, guide us if we care to ask & listen, respond to our cries for help, and are always ready to bring us back to Your ways when we stray, whether intentionally or not. 

And thank You for the hugs that are unending and always joyfully given, no matter what!


This week’s video is “Flawless” by MercyMe. I love this band; maybe it’s because the lead singer (Bart Mallard) survived his own hellish childhood. (The movie “I Can Only Imagine” is about him.) And even though he has a great faith in God and leads a full, fun and purposeful life, he’s honest about how the abuse still can effect him, and his own struggles with doubt.

(The picture at the top is Rembrandt’s depiction of The Prodigal Son; of God welcoming back a sinner who thought he was too ruined to be accepted, let alone loved.)

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